澳門理工學院“第13屆全澳資訊科技大賽–Alice三維編程比賽” 現正接受報名
為持續推進本澳電腦編程技術的普及和資訊科技的應用,以及培育更多高素質的資訊科技人才,澳門理工學院自2008年起每年主辦“全澳資訊科技大賽–Alice三維編程比賽”,該比賽已成為澳門一項熱門的三維編程比賽,深受本澳各中學學生和市民的歡迎。今年第十三屆大賽由澳門理工學院主辦、博彩標準協會(GSA)協辦,並獲得澳門教育及青年發展局和澳門郵電局的鼎力支持。是次大賽主題為“科技創意澳門+”,旨在讓參賽者瞭解科技創新在現實生活中的應用,鼓勵參賽者探討科技及創意如何促進城市發展及改善生活,從澳門出發,進一步瞭解科創力量如何輻射到鄰近地區,並引領該地區的協同創新及合作,為澳門智慧城市的建設和發展,培養和儲備在科學、科技、工程、藝術、數學 (STEAM) 技術領域具備綜合能力的科創人才。
Read more ...國際知名機構與理工電腦學課程學生分享職涯規劃
為加強學生對職涯規劃的認識,加深對本地資訊科技行業的瞭解及發展,並為工作或創業作準備,勇於面對未來各項挑戰,澳門理工學院應用科學高等學校邀請國際知名機構羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) 澳門區的管理層為電腦學課程學生舉行生涯規劃講座,來自PwC風險及控制服務的嘉賓為林家健及梁駿軒經理、澳門理工學院校友高騰高級顧問,與學生分享了該集團在本澳的發展和管理理念、資訊科技對各行業的支援、發展及前景等相關議題,以及分享職場上的各樣挑戰及經驗,讓學生在畢業前了解本澳職場情况,及早作出準備。會後雙方進行互動討論,氣氛融洽,學生收獲豐富。
Read more ...Book on Gaming Technology Published by World-Renowned Publisher
The academic book written by the Macao Polytechnic Institute’s (MPI) Computing Programme titled "Principles of Gaming Technologies" was recently published by McGraw Hill, a world-renowned publisher founded in 1888. Being the first academic book in the field of gaming technology in Macao, it is of great significance to the internationalization of Macao’s science and technology products, and contributes to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to become an International Innovation & Technology Centre. Co-authored by Associate Professor Andrew Siu Ka Meng and Associate Professor Philip Lei Iat Seng of the Computing Programme of MPI, this book signifies the accomplishment of joint efforts among teachers and students since the launch of the first Gaming Technology specialization in the Computing Programme in Macao, and it provides a comprehensive, systematic and professional supplement to nurture specialists on information technology.
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