MPI hosts Awards Ceremony for the 8th Macao-wide IT Competition - ALICE 3D Programming Contest
To continuously enhance and nurture the interest of students and the Macao community in creative technology and 3D programming, MPI has recently organised the ‘8th Macao-wide IT Competition - ALICE 3D Programming Contest’. The awards ceremony of the contest was held at MPI's lecture theatre on 29th July, during which the ‘first prizes’ of the secondary school and open categories, the ‘most creative idea prize’ and ‘merit prizes’ were awarded. The winning projects - ‘Smart Macao Connects You and Me’ from the open category and ‘Smart Planet’ from the secondary school category - were also on display at the ceremony.
Read more ...第8屆ALICE三維編程比賽頒獎禮於理工舉行
“第八屆全澳資訊科技大賽—ALICE三維編程比賽”頒獎禮於7月29日(星期五)下午四時在理工學院演講廳舉行,澳門特別行政區政府電信管理局電信技術及資源管理廳梁燊堯廳長、教育暨青年局黃健武廳長、旅遊局蔡昌鴻處長、佳能香港有限公司(澳門辦事處)代表、理工學院副院長嚴肇基、公共行政高等學校校長謝丹嬋及得獎人士、各校指導老師及參賽各中學的代表出席頒獎典禮。理工學院副院長嚴肇基在致詞時表示, 行政長官在2016年政府施政報告及政府剛推出澳門五年發展規劃,均提及智慧城市的發展方向,包括加快智慧城市建設。
Read more ...The First Chinese-Portuguese-English Machine Translation Laboratory Established in MPI
On 21st July 2016, Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI), Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) and Global Tone Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (GTC) signed a tripartite agreement to establish the Chinese-Portuguese-English (CPE) Machine Translation Laboratory. This first CPE machine translation laboratory will be housed in MPI.
Dr. Alexis Tam, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macau SAR Government, gave his full support for MPI to cooperate with GTC and GDUFS in establishing the Chinese-Portuguese-English Machine Translation Laboratory. This cooperation is in line with Macao's policy to establish Macao as an exchange platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and as an international metropolis and to align with our country's ‘One Belt and One Road’ initiative.
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