Macao Mobile Network Test Report – Network Performance and User Experience
Macao Mobile Network Test Report – Network Performance and User Experience
Yue Liu, Dennis Wong, Su-Kit Tang
Recently, the Macao SAR government has been vigorously promoting the digitalization of Macao, aiming to transform Macao into a smart city. It is changing the living style of citizens and the business strategy of shops and companies. Many smart applications have been deployed to meet the needs of work, study, entertainment, and business, etc. One of the underlying reasons for this achievement is the advance high-quality communication network infrastructure in the city.
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由中國工商銀行主辦、工銀澳門承辦的「2022工行杯全國大學生金融科技創新大賽之第二屆澳門大學生金融科技創新大賽」於日前圓滿舉行。澳門理工大學電腦學學士課程李宜霏的作品《銀行生物識別技術應用實踐及局勢分析》、大數據及物聯網碩士課程研究生張博亮的作品《ICBC E-MOP 數字澳門幣多元化場景應用》分別獲得二等獎,雙雙晉級省賽,而李宜霏同學更晉級全國半決賽及50強,作品將金融科技產品與粵港澳大灣區的社會發展密切融合,並通過金融科技解決生活場景中遇到的問題,進一步體現澳理大推動跨學科及產學研發展,為優化業界發展作出貢獻。
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Read more ...Sports Day 2022/2023
Our annual sports day was held on 29 October in our sports pavilion. Students from undergraduate, master and doctoral programs actively participated in the Sports Day. A variety of games including basketball, badminton, dodgeball and table tennis were all on offer for the students to try during the event. Meanwhile, badminton, basketball, and table tennis were divided into men's and women's groups to determine the top 3 and awarded prizes to them. Being physically active is important to be good learners, so we encourage all our students and instructors to find a sport they enjoy and get moving. Our Sports Day was filled with energy, cheering, and great team spirit.